"Common sense prevailed", says Mayor

Published 3:00pm 16 November 2023

"Common sense prevailed", says Mayor
Words by Nick Crockford

Major projects in the City of Moreton Bay have escaped cuts in the Federal Government’s infrastructure review.

Mayor Peter Flannery last week voiced concerns for Youngs Crossing in the Independent Strategic Review of the Infrastructure Investment Program.

But the review confirms a $32.75 million Federal contribution towards the $80 million upgrade and work will now start on a tender process.

The Klingner Rd-Boardman Rd intersection upgrade at Kippa-Ring has also received an additional $837,000, on top of the $4m Federal contribution.

“I’m glad to see common sense has prevailed and thank the Federal Government for their support,” Mayor Flannery said of the Youngs Crossing funding.

"Common sense prevailed", says Mayor
Moreton Bay City Council Mayor Peter Flannery

“The Youngs Crossing Rd transport corridor is nationally significant and a critical link in the state's road network, being one of only four road crossings of the North Pine River.

“It is used by approximately 20,000 vehicles every day, with traffic forecast to increase to 27,500 vehicles by 2036.

“In heavy rain and flooding, transport is pushed onto the Bruce Highway or Old Gympie Rd, which are already crippled by massive congestion, causing delays.”

Planning for the Bruce Highway Western Alternative will also continue with $10m from Federal coffers.

The review says Bribie Island Rd Upgrades will be built, with additional $9 million funding, taking the Federal component to almost $29 million.

"Common sense prevailed", says Mayor

Gympie Arterial Rd (Strathpine Interchange) will receive $17.5 million Federal funding and the Henry Rd-Dohles Rocks Rd upgrade at Griffin gets $4m.

Upgrades to Ferny Grove and Mango Hill commuter car parks also receive $4m funding.

Planning for the Bribie Island Rd upgrade, from Hickey Rd to King John Creek, will “proceed” with $1m of Federal cash and $9m “set aside for construction”.

The Bruce Highway South “road corridor” has almost $5614 million Federal funding for projects from Tiaro down to Bracken Ridge.

This includes 11 major highway upgrades throughout the City of Moreton Bay area and the Linkfield Rd Overpass upgrades.


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