Ghostlight Theatre finds new home

Published 2:00pm 6 June 2024

Ghostlight Theatre finds new home
Words by Nadia Chapman

Having now secured a permanent home in Redcliffe, Ghostlight Theatre Company is planning its biggest year of production yet.

Ghostlight Theatre co-founder Yasmin Elahi is ready to bring horror to Redcliffe at Theatre 102 alongside Redcliffe Musical Theatre.

“Our biggest production (this year) is The Exorcist. I was very fortunate to liaise with the writer of the play adaptation, and he’s granted us special permission to put on the play,” Yasmin says.

“It’s the first time it will be done in Australia and I’m very excited about that.

“We’re working with Redcliffe Musical Theatre, who also share the space at Theatre 102 and we’re putting that on as a joint production because it’s going to be a big one.”

Moving to Theatre 102 has created many new opportunities for the theatre company.

“I think our biggest milestone would be this move to Theatre 102; that’s really opened up a lot of doors for us because that was always the thing that was holding us back…now I feel like we have so much opportunity to grow,” Yasmin explains.

“There’s not a lot of theatre spaces in Brisbane at all, and the ones that are there, are always booked out or too expensive for community theatre groups to use.

“So, when Madeleine from Redcliffe Musical Theatre came to me after we did our joint production last year and offered a permanent spot in the theatre, I was very excited.”

Ghostlight Theatre finds new home

Ghostlight Theatre is only two years old but has already received 32 Gold Palm Theatre Awards for its last season.

“(We hope) to keep growing as a company… to keep on the track that we’re on and to grow our following…” Yasmin says.

“Now we have a home base, we can open up to doing more productions each year and our goal would be to hopefully enrich the arts in Redcliffe and do bigger and better shows; more musicals would be my dream.”

Ghostlight Theatre is always be looking for people to come and audition, even if they don’t have experience.

“This is community theatre, it’s not professional. I know our shows are quite high end and well received in terms of awards, but it is still community theatre,” Yasmin says.

“The reason I started was because I loved theatre, it’s changed my life, and I want other people to be able to experience that.”

Stay up to date with Ghostlight Theatre’s productions here.

What’s on in 2024

The Exorcist – June

Little Shop of Horrors – August

The Girl on the Train – September

Night of the Living Dead – November


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