Have your say on harbour draft plan

Published 9:00am 13 November 2023

Have your say on harbour draft plan
Words by Kylie Knight

Public consultation on the Scarborough Boat Harbour Draft Master Plan has now started.

The finalised plan will help shape the future of the precinct, which is an integral part of the Redcliffe Peninsula and City of Moreton Bay’s social, cultural, and economic landscape.

It follows a collaborative master planning project in 2021 during which community members and stakeholders shared ideas with the Department of Transport and Main Roads.

These insights helped shape the draft master plan.

Community consultation on the draft Scarborough Boat Harbour Master Plan is open until December 11, 2023.

It will be used to develop the final plan.

The master plan outlines five key strategies. They are:

  • Strategic positioning and regional profile – promoting the precinct as a regionally significant maritime, commercial and recreational destination and gateway to Moreton Bay
  • Harbour function and operation – develop a harbour which prioritises the long-term health of the maritime industry, protects and enhances its role to provide sheltered access to Moreton Bay and allows for the sustainable growth of a broad range of maritime-related activities
  • Environment – recognise and respond to the significant ecological values of Moreton Bay and the Redcliffe Peninsula through a balanced approach to the sustainable growth of Queensland’s maritime industry and environmental improvement
  • Connecting to Scarborough – plan for harbour growth and change in a manner that respects the residential setting, complements existing movement networks and enhances the Scarborough waterfront experience for residents and visitors
  • Place character and activation – enhance the harbour’s place quality and visitor experience through improved design, better public access and diversifying recreation and entertainment opportunities

Read more here

Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey says the Scarborough Boat Harbour draft master plan will help establish a long-term vision for the precinct.

“In doing so, it will provide safe and efficient access to Queensland waters, promote activities that are commercially and environmentally sustainable, support the maritime industry, generate local employment and tourism, and improve the harbour’s appeal for the community and visitors.

“I strongly encourage community members and stakeholder groups to provide feedback on the draft plan. This will help inform the final master plan and ensure a variety of voices are heard.”

State Member for Redcliffe Yvette D’Ath welcomes consultation on the plan.

"This is an important step in planning for the future of the Redcliffe peninsula and I look forward to working through the feedback.”

Have your say

Community consultation on the Scarborough Boat Harbour Draft Master Plan is open until December 11 2023 via www.tmr.qld.gov.au/ScarboroughBoatHarbour


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