Jellyfish swarm at Woody Point

Published 4:14pm 28 September 2023

Jellyfish swarm at Woody Point
Words by Nick Crockford

This spectacular sight greeted Woody Point resident Robert Webber on his daily walk yesterday.

Mr Webber, who moved here 11 months ago, spotted hundreds (possibly thousands) of blubber jellyfish.

It was around 9am as the swarm (or bloom) drifted by the jetty and Mr Webber took these eye-catching pictures.

“We’re new to the area but have never seen anything like this before,” he said.

Blubber jellyfish, also known as blue bluffer jellyfish, are common to Australia’s east coast with large swarms occasionally seen in estuary waters.

Their sting is described as painful but poses no serious risk to humans.

Our thanks to Mr Webber for sharing the pictures.

Jellyfish swarm at Woody Point
Jellyfish swarm at Woody Point
Jellyfish swarm at Woody Point
Jellyfish swarm at Woody Point


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