Levi X steps into the spotlight

Published 9:00am 12 December 2023

Levi X steps into the spotlight
Words by Kylie Knight
Photos: Levi X performing on The Voice. Courtesy of Channel 7. 

Levi X’s grounded approach to making music hasn’t changed even after a stint in the national spotlight, appearing on Channel 7’s The Voice program earlier this year.

The 15-year-old, who started playing the saxophone with his dad Ian at the Redcliffe Markets when he was 11, will continue to perform at the markets and community events in the coming months.

“I really love music at the moment. Next year, we’re going to try to focus on writing some songs because that’s something we don’t have at the moment,” he explains.

“My brother Connor, he’s learning the bass so we’re trying to bring him in at the same time.”

While Levi loves to perform, he knows he is young and still has much to learn – that means finishing school at The Lakes College, learning the piano and much more.

“I’ve always loved music. I started really getting into it in grade 4. I chose saxophone as a compulsory instrument at school, but I knew dad played a little,” he explains.

“I encouraged him to get it out. He encouraged me and taught me a few things and we just started jamming.

“We started getting a few songs together. We then went down to the Redcliffe Markets … everyone seemed to like it, so we just started building up a repertoire.

“I think it was a year later we started bringing in the vocals and then around that time, my brother Gabe was learning the acoustic guitar, so we brought him in. At that point, we really started ramping things up.

“We now have over 100 songs with dad and I and over 35 songs with me and Gabe.”

The Voice

Levi’s appearance on Channel 7’s singing competition The Voice took his profile to a whole new level and he’s grateful for the support he had from the Redcliffe community.

“We’ve been watching the show for a long time and a few producers tapped on our door saying, ‘hey, you should go on the show’. So, we decided to give it a crack,” Levi explains.

“Obviously, my voice is going through a few changes so that was one of the deciding points whether I should wait a year or so, but we decided to give it a shot.

“Lucky enough we got through a few stages and then we went on the blinds which was probably one of the most nerve-racking things that I have ever done. Waiting outside that door to go through was terrifying. I had a bit of a mind-blank, got one of the producers get the lyrics up on the phone.

“I got what I wanted, two chairs turned – Rita and Jason – I went with Rita. Then the next round, the call-backs, which I got through … straight to the battles and then the battles where I went up against Emily Kate and I sadly went home.

“The great thing about it was there were so many great musicians on there, singers. The person who won, Tarryn (Stokes), she was outstanding. I knew I had to get out somehow and I’m happy with what I did.”

Levi says the experience taught him how the process works and gave him a greater insight into the industry.

“It was just a process that was very mind-blowing and crazy to a 15-year-old because I’ve watched the show and now I’m like, ‘I’m on the show’,” he says.

It was a journey keenly watched by the kids at school.

“They were all pretty cool about it. I got a lot of people coming up to me. I can’t walk into the primary school without someone saying, ‘oh my gosh, it’s Levi X over there’. It’s pretty cool,” he says.

Passion for music

The Deception Bay resident is not getting carried away by it all and still just loves being in the moment when he performs.

“I just love playing, I guess, just standing up there jamming away … feeling the music in my body. One of my favourite things about it is when you see someone else really connecting to it as much as I am,” Levi explains.

“That really means a lot to me when I’m singing a song and someone remembers a past life experience. It’s just amazing for me to look at and know that my music is touching other people’s lives.”

Levi’s passion for learning the saxophone as a young boy rekindled his father’s love for music, which is now central to family life.

“I learnt saxophone as a kid and at university did a totally different technical field … then life got in the way as it does for the vast majority of people and I didn’t play for 20 years,” Ian explains.

“When Levi got the instrument when he was grade 4 that was a good opportunity to bring it back out and show him a few shortcuts … we’ve just been jamming ever since.

“They were the days when I was better than Levi, but he far exceeds my ability now which is pretty cool.

“It’s been really cool bringing that musical element within our family … other brothers joining in. It’s become a core thing for everyone. There’s generally a bit of music being played until 10 or 11 at night in one room or the other.”

To find out more about Levi X, head to the website 


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