Moreton Money gift cards to back a local

Published 8:00am 3 May 2024

Moreton Money gift cards to back a local
Words by Kylie Knight

Moreton Bay City Council, in partnership with local business groups, is calling for the community to support local businesses by choosing a Moreton Money gift card for their next gift.

With the recent introduction of digital gift cards, purchasing and using these cards has never been easier.

Mayor Peter Flannery says the cards can now be like an EFTPOS card, making it easier for the community to spend their money how they want, and where they want.

“Moreton Money gift cards now directly download to the mobile digital wallet, meaning supporting a local business is just a tap of the phone away,” Mayor Flannery says.

Moreton Money is an initiative that encourages the community to make the active choice to support their local businesses and consider changing their spending habits.

“Small businesses, which are the backbone of the Moreton Bay economy, have been doing it tough in recent years with flood events, COVID-19 and skyrocketing costs across the board,” Mayor Flannery says.

“Instead of filling the pockets of huge corporations that are recording massive profits, I urge our community to think locally first. Purchasing a Moreton Money gift card makes a real difference to locals and the success of our small businesses.”

Moreton Money provides a wide variety of options for recipients to use their gift card in businesses and stores across Moreton Bay, spanning various industries and geographical areas. There are hundreds of businesses already registered, and more coming online daily.

Every $100 spent locally generates about $180 of economic impact.

Moreton Money gift cards to back a local

Welcome initiative

The Hills & Districts Chamber of Commerce Craig Shim believes Moreton Money is a game-changer for our community.

“Moreton Money is all about making it easy to shop local and support local businesses, whether you’re treating yourself or giving a thoughtful gift, Moreton Money helps keep our money circulating right here in Moreton Bay, which is fantastic for everyone,” Craig says.

“Local spending is like fuel for our community’s economic engine, when we choose to shop at a local business, we’re not just making purchases, we’re investing in our neighbourhoods, supporting local jobs and keeping our communities unique and thriving.”

Moreton Money is part of Council’s Regional Economic Development Strategy (REDS), a blueprint for a bigger, bolder, and brighter economy which will ultimately create 100,000 new jobs in the City of Moreton Bay through to 2041.

To purchase a Moreton Money Gift Card or to view the directory of registered businesses, visit

Moreton Money is brought to you by your local Chambers of Commerce, Food & Agribusiness Network and BPW Caboolture, supported by Moreton Bay City Council.


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