Parenting tips: Avoiding burnout

Published 1:00pm 15 March 2024

Parenting tips: Avoiding burnout
Words by Kylie Knight
By Triple P Parenting

Parenting is a big job. The ongoing demands of looking after kids can leave parents and carers with little time to take care of their own wellbeing. The result? Feeling stressed and out of control. And for some, it can even lead to parental burnout.

Making time for self-care can feel difficult. It can seem like a luxury to look after yourself when you’re putting everyone else’s needs first. But even a moment to invest in your wellbeing can help you feel calmer and more recharged. This can have a ripple effect on the entire family, helping you respond positively to challenging moments while setting a great example for kids.

Self-care doesn’t have to be a huge investment in time, energy and resources. Here are some realistic ways to work it back into your life: 

Tap into your physical self. Think about small changes that feel good for you and fit into your schedule, like a gentle morning stretch, a walk around the block, an uninterrupted shower or just a few slow, deep breaths.

Embrace your social side. You don't have to be a social butterfly to look after yourself socially. Small chunks of time with people who help you feel good are a great way to ‘fill your cup’.  It could be coffee with a friend, chatting with a neighbour, making time for that group or activity you’ve always wanted to join, or attending a local event.  

Nurture your emotional and mental needs. It's OK to ask for help. Parenting can feel challenging at times. A few positive parenting strategies can make it more manageable and boost your confidence. Be kind to yourself through the ups and downs. And remember, looking after yourself isn’t selfish – it helps you and your family to thrive.

Make parenting less stressful and more rewarding with a free online course from the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program. Learn more at

Parenting tips: Avoiding burnout


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