Suttons Beach Pavilion design shortlist revealed

Published 9:00am 9 April 2024

Suttons Beach Pavilion design shortlist revealed
Words by Kylie Knight

Three entrants in the design competition to come up with a replacement for Redcliffe’s Suttons Beach Pavilion have made the shortlist. It comes as demolition of the former structures enters the final phase.

The trio was selected by a panel as part of the Architectural Design Competition run by CityLab on behalf of Moreton Bay City Council.

Stage two of the competition has now begun with the following three entrants working on concept design development:

  • Arkhefield with Besley Spresser and WILDStudio
  • Lahz Nimmo Architects with Plummer & Smith
  • m3architecture with Hogg & Lamb, RPS Group and Frank Turquoise.

The winner is expected to be announced mid-2024. They will then be engaged to deliver a detailed design for a new building and landscaping.

The former Suttons Beach Pavilion structures have been demolished in recent weeks at a cost of a cost of $1,937,451. Demolition work is expected to finish in May.

Council has secured $11.33 million from the SEQ Liveability Fund for the $19 million project, which includes demolition and the rebuild.

Why this happening

In January 2022, Council announced the Suttons Beach Pavilion structures would close and be demolished after initial council investigations revealed major building defects and concerns.

More invasive testing confirmed the buildings were beyond repair.

Suttons Beach Pavilion first opened as change rooms and a kiosk in the 1930s. Since then, it has been expanded and sections rebuilt. It was not heritage-listed but was considered a landmark on the Redcliffe Peninsula.

A grassroots community campaign lobbied council to restore or rebuild the pavilion.

Mayor Peter Flannery says he is excited to see the progress around the new mixed-use facility at Suttons Beach.

“We’ve invited architects from across the country and wider architectural community to put their best ideas forward and help us revitalise Suttons Beach,” he says.

Cr Karl Winchester (Div 6) says it is a unique opportunity to revitalise the area.

“We want to return this iconic destination to community use and allow a new generation to enjoy it anew,” he says.

“Council is looking forward to engaging the successful candidates to deliver more detailed building designs for this beloved foreshore location.”

Suttons Beach Pavilion design shortlist revealed


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